
Thursday, 11 December 2014

Nothing In This World Is Ours Except........................

Even the air we inhale leaves us and if we try to block its path, we will choke.So, better let it flow. Likewise, we need to flow with life the point where we try to modify or stop it, life too stops. The words we speak are lost but their essence we can absorb and light a flame in our souls. "Pain" occurs when we start expecting. The moment we stop expecting ( a difficult thing to do) feelings like pain, hatred, jealousy, belongings will go away.

" Death "- the final destination. This body of ours will not go with us to another world( if another world exists where all the souls go ). But, I firmly believe that the truthful emotions always stay safe within us and these emotions definitely accompany us to another realm, only to sprout again in next life. After all nothing in this world is ours except “eternal emotions ".


  1. You have a way with words and you write beautifully... :)

  2. I like the way how u connected expectation and death to define nothing is permanent except emotions.great ;)

  3. Hello Vandana, greetings and good wishes.

    Marvelous writing and very thought provoking. Nothing in this world is ours except eternal emotions. Yes, we have to go with the flow. Generally we expect especially from near and dear ones for whom we have done a lot. But this expectation is the cause of anger, disappointment and misery. The best thing is to do things without expecting anything in return.

    Nothing isn this world is ours.We came with nothing and we will go with nothing and as you said perhaps with eternal emotions. Life in next world is a belief and millions are prepared to give up their present life for this belief.

    Many such thoughts came to my mind when I read your fantastic post.

    Best wishes

  4. A wonderfully thought provoking post. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. I think along with emotions, memories too stay with us forever :)

  6. What you said is so very true.. Only emotions and memories remain eternally with us!

  7. Deep thoughts here. Glad to read the post. :)
    And true that expectation is a difficult thing.

  8. Yes..we must listen for that ebb and flow the world lends to us...

  9. The way you wrote just beautiful...
    Yea, it's true that the moment we stop expecting pain goes away...
    Well written

  10. You are right, pain is actually a result of expectations. No expectations, no disappointments.
    In just a few lines you managed to express so much. Well written :)

  11. ETERNAL EMOTIONS..How beautiful is that?!!

  12. strong and deep - loved reading it..

  13. Wishing you a very happy & Prosperous New Year ..Thanks for all the support! Keep writing! Keep lighting!…BEST PRAYERS FOR FUTURE!!

  14. Beautifully expressed, i am in complete agreement!

  15. So beautiful...and true! We don't own anything here, we're just stewards. And not matter how long we live, we really are just passing by. Bravo!

  16. great blog, very inspiring
    lets follow each other! just let me know and I will follow back :)


  17. we are stardust...and to stardust we return

  18. You captured a million emotions in those few lines .keep writing

  19. Beautiful thoughts and could not disagree even a second over it :)



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