
Monday 17 June 2024

An Incomplete, yet complete love story

I have known the joys, sorrows, pain and happiness, emanating from true love. In this lifetime it is a great blessing to know all the facets of true love. One has to be blessed enough to experience such a love in its wholeness and I am blessed enough to know this true love.

I have felt the pain of unrequited love, anguish of loss, but also the joys of reciprocated love and togetherness. Just like pain, joy is ephemeral too, vanishing like a vapour in the atmosphere and leaving behind a lingering fragrance of mist.

I will spend my days in this lingering fragrance and remember the moments of joy and pain, until we meet next, somewhere in the cosmos.

Friday 12 June 2020

Time Never Heals

Even a lifetime of happiness can never wipe the traces of memories accumulated over many past lives. Time is infinite and so are emotions, which grow more and more with time.

Imprinted upon the soul the feelings of love and affection can never get old. They flow along the time’s river gathering particles. Each particle, a shadow of memory, a silhouette of remembrance.

Time drifts continuously. The soul with imprints ebb and flow, carrying, memories and emotions forever to go.


Monday 13 April 2020

I Hold You

I hold you inside my heart. You are in my unfettered sighs and breaths. I read your name in the fine lines of my palms, just as a devotee reads a psalm.

Your thoughts are a spiritual part of my existence and are etched deeply in my senses.

I wish I could break the walls of the time and let our destinies be forever entwined. 

But, still I cherish the stolen moments of our love. A love that is undefined, yet so pure and divine.


Wednesday 11 January 2017

She Wondered

“I travelled thousands of  miles, just to see you, everything else is a veil.”

These words came out not from her mouth, but from her wounded heart evaporating like a vapour on seeing his bright face.

It was a pilgrimage for her to see the God who resided in her soul, whose encouragement and unconditional affection made her what she was today. One doesn’t meet a person like him every day and when one does, just don’t let them go. This was one thing she couldn’t do.

Still, she was happy to be connected with him. Over the years their bond flourished and strengthened. Often she thought what life would be if the two were together. These thoughts took her to a dreamland from where she never wanted to return.

But, the real world was different for both. Why this happened she wondered…………..

Sunday 8 January 2017

Same Destination

She wished to end her life, for all of her desires were fulfilled. Her heart was filled with the joys of a satisfied and well lived life.

While he wished to end his life, for there was nothing he could get from life. His dreams, aspirations, hopes were all crushed.

Both expected nothing, but death. Their contexts were different, but the destination was same.

Saturday 7 January 2017

The Final Embrace

It was a cold, dark wintry evening. The earth lay cuddled in snowy arms, yet the surroundings were cozy.

There was a soft tinker in the snow as his footsteps approached. From a distance, she could see his perfect silhouette. He was draped in a brown overcoat, his face an angelic reflection, his moist eyes sparkled like diamonds. Then, he stood and unfurled his arms to summon her.

Of everything in the world, what else could she had asked more from God, perhaps nothing. She gathered her strength, ran towards him and hugged him. A tearful river ran down in that tender moment to flood the entire universe.

A loud thud on the ground, eyes shut, enclosing the love filled glimpses.
Both found solace in each other’s arms lying forever in their final embrace. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016


We leave our imprints on time's hands. They speak when we are long gone forever. Our words,deeds, behaviour everything has an impact. The rose has thorns , but still its beauty and fragrance mesmerises one and all. Sometimes, being bad or rude might be just a protective mask, the real essence lies what exactly you are from inside.

There are many aspects to the personality of a person. One may behave according to the prevailing situation, but the inherent nature of a person never changes.So, lets change for better if we can and when people see our imprints,may their hearts be filled with dreams and hopes.